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Your Team


At Wolf & Wolf, we pride ourselves in customer service and top-level results.

  1. Experience and Expertise.
  2. You want a full-time agent who’s familiar with your area and with the type of property you intend to sell. Does he or she employ a diverse range of marketing and advertising strategies? How tech-savvy is your agent?
  3. How long have they been in the business?
  4. Availability and Commitment. Your agent should be capable of prompt and decisive action during the course of selling your home. Do they make it a point to keep in touch with you constantly? Can they easily be contacted in case of emergencies or even for the simplest questions? If you call, they should answer.
  5. Rapport.
  6. This one is often overlooked, but is crucial to consider. Do they take the time out to listen to your goals and clarify your needs? Can they understand your unique situation and be genuinely concerned about the outcome of the process? Your listing agent will be your guide and partner in this crucial decision, so it’s important to find one you can get along with.